Cristy Cali Subscription Boxes: Join the Club!

Today Beadsaholic brings the news of a new “Charm” Subscription Box Club by Cristy Cali!

Cristy Cali now offers subscription boxes and she gives you full control! This is a great way to add to your collection for up to 40% off! This would also be the perfect gift that just keeps giving!

Ok, this is how it works. You pick one of the following packages in the photo below.

  • Single is one charm per box.
  • Double Trouble is two charms per box.
  • Triple Threat is three charms per box.

As you can see the more per box, the more you save. With the Triple Threat you are paying $28 per charm.

When signing up you are required to commit to four orders, after that you can cancel your subscription at any time or continue as long as you like. You also have full control over how often you receive your boxes by choosing deliveries from one to six months apart. Another great thing about these boxes you control what you receive, there are more than sixty charms to choose from with a value of $40+, so you can plan your boxes.

Cristy Cali charms are high quality sterling silver, each charm is a standard size, nice weight and fit all major brands of European charm systems like Trollbeads, Ohm Beads, Pandora, Chamilia, etc.

Over all, this is a fantastic deal and if you are like me you love a great subscription, I personally get Ipsy every month, which I love; however, I have no control over what I receive. So many times it’s hit or miss with the products they send, which is why I love that Cristy Cali puts you in full control!

Cristy Cali is fresh, talented and creative. I look forward to seeing what she offers in the future. Her background is rooted in New Orleans which has inspired her designs over the years, she is now breaking out and with more releases I see this brand becoming an international sensation! I truly adore this line and will hopefully have more reviews here on the blog soon!

Want to browse Cristy Cali or sign up for the Cristy Cali Subscription Boxes? Click banner below to shop!

Affiliate Link


As always, I love hearing from you all. What do you think of the idea of a subscription box for charms? Do you currently have any of this brand in your collection? If so, have any suggestions on what you would like to see from Cristy Cali?





4 responses to “Cristy Cali Subscription Boxes: Join the Club!

    • Yes, exactly you get to choose which beads you receive.. after you choose your box, 1, 2, 3.. you will go to another screen there will be a drop down to pick how often you want to receive your subscription, then there is a button to pick your beads.

      So you have full control over what you receive.


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