Happy 9th Day of Beadmas!

Today Beadsaholic brings the 9th Day of Beadmas Giveaway!

Happy 9th Day of Beadmas! #BeadmasMantra

I find in today’s world that we must focus on good things in our lives to create balance and wash out the bad that comes to our doors. In life bad things happen, but what counts is what we do with those things and how we react. This determines the impact it has on our lives and how we make it through. I think that this is where a good Mantra comes in. Positive affirmation is a wonderful way to bring light to our day and help us levitate over those bumps in the road along our way.

In today’s giveaway I want you to think long, hard and comment below with:

  • What is your Mantra?
  • What helps you stay positive and focused?
  • What are three things in your life you are thankful for?
  • What do you wish for the world?

This giveaway is here on Beadsaholic and will run for 24 hours. The winner will be chosen randomly. The prize will be $65 in OHM Bucks and Free shipping. You will need a My OHM Account on the OHM Beads Website in order to receive your prize, if you don’t have an account, please visit here and create a My OHM account.

Be sure to subscribe to Emails, and it would be great if you would follow me on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube!

OHM Beads Inner Peace is the perfect bead to remind us to strive for peace, calmness, balance, find happiness in the small things and that what we put out into the world we attract back to us. I am a firm believer in Karma and laws of attraction. This bead can be found on the OHM Beads Website and at Featured Retailers.

I look forward to reading your uplifting comments and encourage you all to read through the comments and take in some of the positivity we are sharing here today.

My Mantras:

  • Breath in the POSITIVE, exhale positivity.
  • Be Kind and Mindful.
  • If you can’t change it, let it go.
  • When that negative cloud shows up, look for the silver lining.
  • Focus: what ever you set your mind to, you can do!
  • Think Positive 🌸 Talk Positive 🌸 Feel Positive
  • Everyday is a new start, make the best of it!
  • You are Smart, Strong, Enough and in the drivers seat to your own destiny.
  • If everyone found peace within themselves, there would he world peace.

I am so thankful for each and everyone of you who visit the blog, read and share with me. Even if you rarely comment, just knowing you are here and that you find my blog enjoyable and helpful is the reason I enjoy doing this. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your support and friendship. I wish I could give you all a prize! But, do enjoy doing these giveaways, seeing you all have fun and seeing your happiness when you win.

My wish for the world is peace within ones mind, good health to rid the world of diseases and viruses such as Covid and the ability to find happiness in our lives. I send you all my love and virtual hugs.



54 responses to “Happy 9th Day of Beadmas!

  1. – make the most of every day
    – thinking of the things which make life good and not to think of the bad things
    – family (including pets), health and enough money to have a good life
    – peace, health, enough food and a home for everybody

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    • Mantras:
      -If my kids are happy, I’m happy!
      -The sun will rise tomorrow
      -All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle
      -the more grateful you are, the more you will have to be grateful for.

      My kids help me stay positive and kind because they are my life (literally, I’m a stay at home mom lol). I’m thankful for love/family, being financially secure, being mostly healthy! I wish for the people in the world to not see suffering which is what often leads to hate and conflict.


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  2. I’m not sure I have any set Mantras. I’m a good person, positive for sure and when wrong things happen, I learn from them and move on. Something that not all others find easy. I’m thankful for love, my family and my health. Let’s hope we all have a better 2021!

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    • – My mantra is to get up every day and thank God for another day.
      – What helps me stay stronger and more focused are my passions, family, friends and beads.
      – I am grateful to life, my family, my friends, and especially to God (universal energy that rules everything).
      – I wish the world peace, health and happiness! Thanks Paula for another day of # Beadmas2020 🌹

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  3. unfortunately I am not a positive person, since I was a child I was very negative, being positive, for me, is a great effort! I am also very ironic and creative and this helps me to be more positive. I am always very grateful for everything I have, a warm place to live, loving people next to me and a sensitive, creative soul, which helps me to understand the many nuances in life and to understand others as much as possible. many times I ask myself what life is for in this world, if we read the history of man we go up and down, but in the end we are always at the same point! I think it is a test journey for our souls, like a tiring, hard but sometimes fun ‘game’! I would like all souls in the world to acquire more life consciousness to better understand its meaning.

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  4. The one mantra I use the most is “one day at a time”. It helps me stay in the moment, helps keeps anxiety from getting unrealistic . Looking around each day helps me stay positive. I’m really very fortunate. I also stay in touch with friends regularly which helps me stay positive also. I’m thankful for my good health, my family and friends are all healthy and safe, and I’m thankful for my job. My wish for the world is we conquer COVID 19 in 2021. No more deaths from this awful virus.

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    • Yes, my wish, too. “One day at a time” yes! It helps me, too, at times and is a good mantra. Well great news! You are the winner of #Beadmasmantra Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾 send me a message on social media or email all I need is your OHM account. 🥰😘


  5. *Failure is only an opportunity to learn
    * I stay positive and focused by keeping my eye on the prize. It sounds cliche, but it’s true. For example, I am a student and mommy of 4, and continue to keep pushing forward because I want them to have a good life.
    *I am thankful Family, friends, and having a safe warm home.
    I wish kindness and love for the world and the ability to overcome prejudice and racism.

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  6. What is your Mantra?
    – I am enough
    – I can do this
    – Everything will pass
    What helps you stay positive and focused?
    – Being with loved ones and expressing gratitude
    – Bead play of course!
    – Cross stitch, reading, cooking/baking
    What are three things in your life you are thankful for?
    – My bf, friends and family! Everyone’s good health ❤
    – My education – I love learning and exploring new ideas!
    – Beads and all of my jewellery!
    What do you wish for the world?
    – Plant more trees, rewild animals, and stay creative!

    Thank you for hosting another giveaway Paula 🙂 @schmoolovesbeads

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  7. My statement mantra is probably Just Do It because I am determined and if something has to be done I do indeed just do it even if I don’t feel like it. I am a problem solver and a get it done person. My mediation mantra is usually ‘focus’ and I picture blackness of the universe. I am very thankful for so many things but certainly health, family, and stability or security are my top 3. In the big picture, that’s all I need. My wish for the world is more love and no hate because with love, and unity, we can get through anything. Cliché but I feel it’s true. I don’t understand hate. Thank you Paula for all you do and your bead sisterhood!! xo

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  8. My Mantra is ‘Be Calm ‘
    My family help me stay positive, I am thankful for them, my rescue dog and good health.
    My wish for the world is Be Kind and for there to be no more animal cruelty.

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  9. -Another day, another chance
    -Everything will be alright
    -Don’t stop now, you already came this far
    -Look at the bright side of things
    -You can do it
    These things keep me positive and focused.

    I’m thankful for my family, my friends and this amazing bead community that makes me happy❤

    Wishing good health and better days for the future for all


  10. my mantra : everything will be fine !! I can’t afford to relax and turn sour, because I have a family, children and a job. All this requires care and performance of duties. And I am grateful to God for my children, for the health of the children and me, and for the fact that I am happy in my life. I wish the same for the world and for other people : so that they can tell themselves THAT they are doing WELL !!

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  11. My mantra right now is “this isn’t forever, things will get better”. My kids help me stay positive – they’re only 3 and barely seem affected by the pandemic and still find joy in so many things (especially now that it’s the Christmas season). I am thankful for my children, my amazing husband, and all of our good health. Finally, I wish for the world to get past this pandemic and the other many atrocities going on right now and come out of it all better and stronger than before.

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  12. My daily mantra is to try to always give my best even when I feel like I can’t do it.
    What gives me positivity and concentration is the display of the final goal.
    In life I am happy for all the experiences I have been able to live, the journeys I have been able to make and the love that my family has for me.
    For the world I want the best without conflicts of interest.

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  13. -My mantra is “enjoy every moment”.
    – my family.
    – my family z our health and my furbabies.
    – I wish health, peace, kindness and love for the world. I think is really necessary.

    Thank you for hosting, Paula!! 💖💖

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  14. My mantras are: always think positive …. live and let live …. fight for what you want …. act and don’t be afraid …. don’t regret what you did if you were happy while doing it you did.
    Serenity and peace


  15. We each have the opportunity to make the world a better place with our actions and choices each day. Small things make the world better daily. Actions are more important than platitudes! I believe strongly in the greater good and think the world would be a better place if others really lived by it. For things we can not change or control, I believe in “it is what it is.” This helps me focus on the reality and my choices.

    For 2021, I want to see theCovid pandemic conquered. I want to see less hate and more love in the nation. I am hopeful.

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  16. My mantra: Enjoy the present moment, enjoy every second 🙂
    To stay positive, I try to think about my past experience and happiness moments rather than my possessions. Humor also helps keep things in perspective.
    I am thankful for my two sons which gave me so many joy and are happy in their life,
    For the world, I wish health and wellbeing for everyone, and that more people get awareness of the need for saving their planet.
    Happy day !!

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  17. Work hard, play hard!
    Wish we can all live each day like it’s our last
    2020 was filled with extremes for me. Some VERY good and some days filled with EXTREME Fear and sorrow.

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  18. – My mantra: “And it will pass”
    – My motto, which helps me to think about the good: “Everything that is done is for the best.”
    – I am grateful for my beloved family, for my wonderful friends and life in peacetime.
    – I wish all people to be kinder and more attentive to each other. The greatest value in the world is people.


  19. * What is your Mantra? I am enough,you can do this,be pstive
    * What helps you stay positive and focused? yoga, meditation
    * What are three things in your life you are thankful for? My family,my home,health
    * What do you wish for the world? Good health, happiness, strenghth, courage, peace, love and safety for all.

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  20. My mantras:
    – perfection of patience, joyful effort, wisdom – Music helps me to be positive for the whole day and hugs with dear people
    – I am grateful for the fact that every day brings new hopes and opportunities; parents for their contribution to me; children – they are our continuation
    – I wish the world to be kinder and more supportive

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  21. What is your Mantra? “It’s alright, everything’s gonna be alright”
    What helps you stay positive and focused? My daughter’s smile
    What are three things in your life you are thankful for? My family, my friends, health
    What do you wish for the world? No more covid

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  22. 1. My mantra is a line from my all-time favorite movie, “The Lion in Winter.” Eleanor of Aquitaine (Katharine Hepburn) has looking in the mirror and lamenting the situation she’s in. Then she suddenly snaps out of her malaise and is back to fighting form with the words, “I’m Eleanor. And I can look at anything.” She means not only the face in the mirror, but life in general. So, whenever I’m in danger of getting beaten down, I think of those words.
    2. What helps me stay positive and focused? Music
    3. Three things in life I’m thankful for: my husband, my dog, my Harrell family fighting spirit.
    4. My wish for the world is: For people to stop living in fear.

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  23. What is your Mantra? everything will be ok
    What helps you stay positive and focused? Faith in a higher power and family
    What are three things in your life you are thankful for? Family, my job, my friends.
    What do you wish for the world? For this pandemic to be over and life to be normal again

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  24. What is your Mantra? One step at a time and carpe diem.
    Many Times is better baby steps but always than huge steps that are Impossible. We should also live life and enjoy, even only little things!!
    * What helps you stay positive and focused? Knowing i did all a could.and my mothers support.
    * What are three things in your life you are thankful for? My family, having a roof, my cats
    * What do you wish for the world? If everyone could be happy that would be heaven on earth, but….. I wish propor had courage to chance what they can and accept when they cant. Is not much but is possible.

    PS thank you for youre lovelly words Paula!!🕊️♥️


  25. My mantras:
    -“Just keep swimming”
    -“Put one foot in front of the other”

    I definitely believe setting goals and looking towards the future keeps me motivated, focused and positive. Even in these hard times full of stress and negativity, I strive to meet my goals.

    I am thankful for my family that has always supported me, my boyfriend who is a great listener, and my dog that shows me unconditional love everyday! 🐶🐾

    My one wish for the world is the truth. I hate the lies and fake news that is spread. Sometimes I cannot discern lies from the truth and that frustrates me. I feel that the world would be a better place if it was filled with truths even if those truths could be hard to accept.



  26. What is your mantra? Think positively, forgive, be kind and considerate Every day is a new beginning, take everything from it!

    What helps you stay positive and focused? Surround yourself with positive people. We become like those with whom we communicate. It’s hard to get more positive when people around you are negative. Positive individuals influence and share perspectives with each other. Removing negative people from your surroundings is a huge step towards a positive life.

    What three things in your life are you grateful for? I am grateful for every day I have lived, My loved ones are alive and well, I have where to live!

    What do you wish for the world? I wish you peace and goodness, and not be ill

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  27. Our family motto is God will give you as much as you’re willing to give away. That’s not the best English translation but it means that things could always be worse and to always help the people less fortunate than you, that it could be you one day looking for help so my family and I try to put good out into the world, good that we hope will become contagious and spread 🙂

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  28. My mantra courtesy of Buddha 10 rules of success:
    1) find your own path
    2)become undaunted
    3) take small steps towards your goal
    4)work hard
    5)think positively
    6)embrace your failures
    7) don’t compare yourself to others
    8)get the right friends
    9)live a balanced life
    10)it’s about the journey

    What helps you stay focused and positive?
    Reflecting on my goals & mantra. Staying positive – I do self checks & see the light in a situation,
    What are 3 things in life you are thankful for?
    1) my family
    2) my friends
    3) my health
    What do you wish for the world?
    Our compassion & willingness to work together . For our well-being, kindness, and peace.

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  29. “The perfect is the enemy of the good.”
    “Remember your breath.”
    And if those don’t help, I sing Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds” to myself “’cause every little thing gonna be alright.”

    I’m so grateful for my family, my fluffy best friend, and my creativity.

    I wish for help for all those who are struggling and I wish that the coming year brings a more thoughtful, compassionate and peaceful world for us all.

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  30. OMG Paula…I really enjoyed reading all this beautiful kind and positive words! My Mantra is: The Hope always die as last. To stay positive and focused helps me my wish for a calm and peaceful life. My three things I am thankful for are :my little son, he is my miracle!, my family, and the beautiful place, where I live! I really really wish health for all the people on our planet 🙏 Everyone deserves to enjoy his life and lives on peaceful planet! Amen 🙏

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  31. My favourite mantra is ‘ Don’t Worry be Happy ‘. To stay positive I always find that laughing is the way to go as it’s true, laughter is the best medicine. The 3 things I’m most thankful are my family ( human & animal) , my health and the beauty of Nature. For the World I want humankind to stop destroying it & everything precious on it.

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  32. My mantra is, live your life to the fullest.
    I have to fab grandchildren and they make my life positive and I only have to think of them and my world is a okay and positive.
    I am thankful for my family, family and my cat Findus.
    I wish fore the world is that we will take care of the world so olso my grandchildren have a world to live into and that there will be no more wars.
    Please take care of your self and your family and friends oll over the world.

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  33. My mantra is “celebrate life”

    Keeping a grateful journal helps me keep positive and focused

    I’m thankful for my supportive and loving family, amazing friends that are there for you no matter what and my health

    I wish for people to always choose the good and choose love in all they do.

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  34. Hey Paula
    – I would say that I don’t really have a mantra, but with age I’ve learnt to accept who I am, and know that if I want things to be different, then I am the one that has to make the change.
    – Which I guess leads onto the next point about “what helps me stay positive and focused” is to focus on what I can control or what’s in my spheres of control within my personal and working life – that doesn’t mean I don’t care about the bigger picture like what’s happening with the pandemic or the climate emergency, but it does prevent me from feeling overwhelmed or hopeless.
    – Family, friends and good health; not to be taken for granted and makes life so difficult if these things are absent or failing.
    – I don’t believe in wishes, but I know that little acts of kindness make a big difference, so we all need to just do more of them 🥰️🙏


  35. My Mantra is “I am here for a higher purpose”. Staying positive and focused, well there is no other way to live happily! I am truly thankful for lice, my family and being a child if Gid. My wish for the world is Peace, Happiness and to be Healthy!!

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  36. My mantra: Think of the good.

    What helps to stay positive: Only I am responsible for my reactions: to perceive irritable or positive. Before being irritated, you need to take a pause, calm down.

    What helps to stay focused: The ability to choose priorities, the most important things to do initially, and the little things can be left for later.

    Three things for which I am grateful in life: these are my children, this is life, this is health.

    I wish the world: hope, to think about the good, to believe in friendliness of others, to go my own way without paying attention to the reaction of others, love ❤️, positive.

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  37. What is your Mantra?
    Keep walking and tomorrow things will be better.

    What helps you stay positive and focused?
    My family

    What are three things in your life you are thankful for?
    Health, family, home, doggy

    What do you wish for the world?
    More understanding and positivity

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  38. I have several mantras that I keep going back to. They help keep me focused. They are in no particular order:
    – Comparison is the thief of joy
    – Do not fear failure, but be terrified of regret
    – Do or do not, there is no try

    All of the above helps me stay positive and focused. The first reminds me that I should be grateful for what I do have. The second and third reminds me to go for it and have no regrets. These help keep me happy and balanced.

    The 3 things in life that I am thankful for is my family, my health and my job which gives me stability and the ability to do things for others.

    My wish for the world would be just love and acceptance. I think if we had more of that, so many problems would go away.

    I really enjoyed this post. Thank you for everything you do Paula!


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    • My mantra: Stay strong and stay positive. You can do this. My kids help me stay positive. I’m thankful for my kids, our health and our home. I wish for people to come together to clean up our oceans and stop polluting them. End of racism. I wish for people to be kinder to each other and stop being judgmental. Greater acceptance of everyone.

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  39. My mantra is to focus on things that are in my control, and not to focus on things in life that are out of my control. I have found this to be very helpful and keeps the anxiety levels down.
    My fur babies have helped me stay positive, as they are a great distraction from so much that is going on these days. Also getting in some exercise (outdoors if possible) helps clear the mind.
    I am thankful for my husband, family, my and my family’s health, fur babies and the bead community.
    I wish that 1) COVID-19 would go away and 2) that people would be nicer to each other. (Too much negativity out in the world!)

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  40. My mantra is be nice, think positive and things will be good.
    My baby cat always make me smile.
    For my family, job, my health and all my people being safe during pandemic times.
    I wish more empathy and less negativity for 2021

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  41. My mantra is “this shall pass too” but with full concience and believing in these words.
    My cats and family make me be foccused 🙂
    I am thankful for being alive, for having a home and food, for the warm heater at nights, for many things people feel granted. Many people in the world live with much less than us 😦
    I wish more equality for the world


  42. Hi Paula, my mantra is ‘Tomorrow is another day to start over’. I stay positive by focusing on what I have and not what I don’t have. I’m extremely grateful for my wonderful family, to live in a fantastic country and never know hunger. My wish for the world is long term and that is to put right the wrongs of the past and move towards a better future for us all.

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  43. There is something good in every day – look and find.
    There is something good in every person – take a closer look and find.
    Before you think badly about someone or something, think well first.
    The phrase “it will pass” helps me to stay positive, as well as humor in appropriate cases))
    I am grateful that now I live and see the beauty around, grateful for my family, grateful for the fact that Bidmas takes place in December and charges with positiveness before Christmas 😉
    I wish the world to be kinder. Not beauty, but kindness will save the world.

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  44. My mantra is: Continue. Just simply, continue.
    I focus on things I can change not on those I cannot.
    Three things I’m grateful for: My life, my organ donor, my husband.
    It’s cliche, but I wish peace for our world.

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  45. -Hoping for the best and preparing for the worse.
    -I’m the most important, I do well then I can help people more .
    -Family,life and being healthy.
    -Peace and healthy.

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  46. Thanks, Paula!

    My mantra is “Keep dreaming”.

    Daily prayer and reflection of my day helps me keep positive and focused.

    I’m thankful for family, for friends, for the extra time I’ve had this year to do things I never did before.

    I wish for healing of our world and all of us in it.

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