Ohm Beads Please Survive Review 

Today is Earth Day and I could not think of a better bead to review other than Ohm Beads Please Survive! With all the issues we face today, we have to protect our earth and all that lives here from going extinct. In the past few years our bees have faced many survival issues. Bees are detrimental to Earths survival, we need them to pollinate our plants and our trees. With out food to eat and trees to produce oxygen we wouldn’t last very long. So these little guys are very important to us all!

Ohm Beads Please Survive is a honeycomb shaped bead. A honeycomb is a mass of hexagon shaped Wax cells that are built by honey bees inside their hives. The honeycomb is where they store their honey, pollen and contains their larvae.

Below you will find an up close view of Ohm Beads Please Survive.

Above you can see the rather cool hexagon shape of the cells, I love how the inside of the cells have been oxidized to give a more dramatic appearance to the bead.

I personally think Ohm Beads Please Survive is a must have in sets of two! It’s perfect for the bangle and I have worn mine the most in bangle combinations. They frame focal Beads perfectly as you can see in the next few pictures.

Above left: Trollbeads copper twisted bangle and Stoppers, Redbalifrog Bee Goddess framed with Ohm Beads Please Survive.  Right: Top bangle is a Trollbeads Twisted Silver Bangle with Redbalifrog Hexagon stoppers,  Trollbeads Unique Ambers and Ohm Beads Ohm Jar.

I find that the Ohm Jar is the perfect addition to any Bee theme bracelet or for anyone who loves honey.

Above is one of my favorite stacks from my Beesy Bee week. I have wore different combos of Bee themed bracelets this week and this is my favorite. I have a great love for mixing metals.

First bracelet: Ohm Beads Dirty Twisted Bangle with Ohm Beads LE Hive Mind Vermeil, Trollbeads Lotus Tops and Redbalifrog Frangipani Brass Stoppers.  All are still available in store.  Ohm Beads Hive Mind Vermeil, was a limited edition bead of the month from August 2016. There are still a few of these around, if it’s something you want then you may want to grab one while they are still available!

Second bracelet: Trollbeads Silver twisted Bangle, Trollbeads Amber Uniques, Ohm Beads Ohm Jar and Redbalifrog Hexagon stoppers. Available online and in stores.

Third Bracelet: Trollbeads Copper Twisted Bangle and stoppers, Ohm Beads Please Survive and Ohm Beads LE Hive Mind Blush. Again Ohm Beads LE Hive Mind Blush is very limited but some stores still have a small amount of stock. So if it’s on your list, it’s worth the hunt!

Here I have created a bracelet of Ambers and bee themed Beads. I always gravitate towards Ambers when creating a Bee theme as they remind me of honey. Honey comes in many shades of amber.

Beads in this photo starting at the top loop: Trollbeads Amber, Ohm Beads Ohm Jar, Trollbeads Amber, Ohm Beads LE Hive Mind Blush, Trollbeads Amber, Ohm Beads Please Survive,  Redbalifrog Bee Goddess, Ohm Beads Please Survive, Trollbeads Amber, Ohm Beads LE Hive Mind Vermeil, Trollbeads Amber, Redbalifrog Queen Bee, Trollbeads Amber and the lock is The Redbalifrog Rose Lock.

Over all I’m rather impressed with Ohm Beads Please Survive, they are beautifully made and compliment any combo whether it’s Bee related or not. It’s a great addition to any collection. I especially love to wear Bee themes durning the summer and fall. It’s also a great reminder of all that bees do for us!

If you would like to order Ohm Beads Please Survive you can find it at the following retailers.


Ohm Beads


Star Bijou
Les trouvailles d’Anne


Joseph Welch
Exclusive Bead Store


I would love to hear your feedback, leave me a comment below! What are your thoughts on the Ohm Please Survive?



Annual Ohm Gnome Festival Contest

Ends June 11, 2017 23:59 CST




25 responses to “Ohm Beads Please Survive Review 

  1. The “bee beads” are just amazing all together and you can’t have enough of them. I love them and they are my favorites. Size is great and design can be used just anywhere actually not only for a complete bee dedicated bracelet!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmmm my favorite holiday was to Bali when I was 15, it is the only place outside of Australia that I have been. I studied Indonesian culture and language at school so it was amazing to use their language (even though the majority speak english) and see their beautiful tradtions and sights up close and personal.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ci sono due posti dove adoro trascorrere le mie vacanze da quando sono nate le mie figlie: sulle montagne del Trentino, in un favoloso hotel a gestione famigliare dove si mangia benissimo e si organizzano ogni giorno delle gite meravigliose a contatto con la natura e in Francia, sulla costa azzurra, in un villaggio costruito sulla spiaggia di Pampelonne, dove puoi stare tutto il giorno in costume e in ciabatte!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My favorite place to visit is The Great Barrier Reef, because it has incredible scenery esp. of the coral, wildlife, sea creatures that you can see from underwater, from the air and/or boat. There are many things to do such as snorkeling to sea this amazing mother nature creations. You can also do many things on land as well such as go to rainforest village.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Gnomes love to travel !
    My favourite vacation destination is the Brittany in France, because it is the location where I spent all my vacations when I was a child, and the place where I go is the french department “Finistère” which means ” The end of the earth ! ” .
    I love the ocean and waves and celtic stories !!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My favorite vacation destination is going to my in-laws lake house in delavan, Wisconsin. It’s so calm there. When we drive up there it’s almost like stepping back into time. No one is on their cell phones, inside watching television. Just the sound of the lake and the breeze through the trees occasionally carrying the sound of laughter, music, friendly conversation, and maybe the baseball game on the radio. The smells of peonies, lilac, Lily of the valley, the lake, fresh cut grass, pine trees, and something delicious cooking on the grill. No one is in a rush, we’re all on lake time.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Gotcha again, Auntie OG! There are a lot of places I love visiting (not to mention I live in a destination city and I don’t need to go far to do something fun and exciting) but I’m dreaming of one day seeing French Polynesia! I want to lounge on gorgeous sandy beaches surrounded by lush tropical plants and deep blue waters. And in the evening I hope to experience traditional Tahitian music and dance.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The most memorable trip was the journey to the land of my ancestors. Now it’s an abandoned village in the heart of Russia, our trip took about 15 hours through the dense forest, on horseback. Nowhere else in the world I haven’t felt this oneness with the earth, air and sky.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. My favourite vacation destination would be Brittany in France. It’s not too hot in the summer, not too cold in the winter, there’s the sea (and dolphins) but also forests and the landscapes are gorgeous. And the legends say there is a lot of faeries and gnomes there.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. My favorite vacation destiny are the Alps! In winter and summer. I love the fresh air and the views. The Netherlands are a flat country, sometimes you need some mountains in your life! Miriam

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Well Aunt Gnome. To answer your question, i’m known as “Wandering Wilson”, so no matter where I go on vacation, if i’m wandering i’m happy. Having said that, my favorite destination is home. It’s name say’s it all “Great Britain”. A small country full of culture, history and beautiful sights.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Yay found you and your question! You are asking quite a few questions ;-). My favorite travel destination isn’t really exciting to the most of you but I love the north of Germany. I love the wind, the ocean and the weather there. I am more a frosty person and need no heat and much sun ;-). At least I don’t need a flight to get to my favorite destonation, just a lot of driving hours…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I love Ocracoke (an island on the outer banks NC). It is remote, you take a ferry to get there and there is no fast food, just a quaint little island. We have camped there at a primitive campground.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I would love to go to Scotland because it is so green, you can see so much nature there, and the castles are so beautiful, their history and legends are so interesting and also I love the weather there, cold and rainy days are my type of weather.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. My favorite vacation was to Disney because it’s magical no matter how old you are. My dream vacation would be Churchill to see the Polar Bears.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. South East Asia and especially Thailand. We are travelling there for more than 10 years and always loved the culture,the people with their smile and the countryside and of course the best food in the world. although the land and people change and sometimes it is like mass tourism there (sadly). So we always look for calm places where you have less tourists and find nice Thai people to meet and learn to know and spend time together with them. So we found great people who are friends now and who we meet again.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. My favorite and dream vacation location would be JAPAN! I love the culture and everything about it! A vacation on Japan, seeing cherry blossoms and a field of flowers would be a dream come true.


  18. Pingback: Bee Theme Inspiration featuring Cristy Cali, Ohm Beads and Trollbeads! |·

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