Happy 11th Birthday Ohm Beads! A Look back at Ohm10 in 2018.

Today Beadsaholic brings news of Ohm Beads Birthday and a look back at Ohm10!

Ohm Beads is celebrating their 11th birthday this month and I am feeling a bit nostalgic and thought in celebration of Ohm Beads Birthday I’d share photos from last year’s Ohm10 birthday event. If you were not able to go you truly missed a fun time. The Ohm Team were thoughtful in planning every single detail of an amazing weekend in New Orleans, La. Memories and friendships were made that I’m sure all of us will remember always.

Friday Night we were welcomed with a meet and greet where we received this lovely welcome to New Orleans swag bag. We spent the evening talking and getting to know each other. Some of us have known one another for years so it was so nice to finally meet in person.

Along with our swag we received Ohm10 purple t-shirts. On the back of the bloggers shirts (Mine, Martha and Nadya’s) are the website to our blogs which was a sweet touch.

Saturday morning, we met for breakfast and found our way into the conference room that was set up in a New Orleans purple and carnival theme. Around the room you found decorated tables, along the wall were giveaways and display of new product that was yet to release. We spent the day here with guest speakers, fun activities and Ohm Beads lavished us with swag!

The view from the conference room was amazing showing the river, the French Quarter and parts of downtown New Orleans.

A few of the cute decorations around the conference room.

A long with all the activities was the reveal of Astronargh the September 2018 bead of the month.

A highlight of the activities was the time we spent with Gus Fink who gave us tips on drawing and we each created our own little works of art.

It was fun watching Gus Fink create this character!

The beautiful Maya an amazing artist shared an art activity with us where we all painted these cute Darlie the Robots.

Here are some of the beads displayed of upcoming releases that were released in the last few months of 2018 and a few we didn’t see enter the collection until this year.

The swag was truly beyond amazing and generous. Saturday we received this bag full of swag and over the weekend we received beads to remind us of each moment we all spent together.


Though this was a celebration and not focused on sales, we were able to purchase a few beads if we wanted. I was able to pick up the Astronargh at the event. Doesn’t he look cute swimming his way through the universe around the Big Luna?

Some wrist shots from the event. During Saturdays activities Martha showed fellow Ohmily how to take the perfect photo and I shared a bracelet wrap activity.

The food was beyond amazing and the Ohm Team treated us like royalty!

In our free time some of us adventured out into the French Quarter which comes alive at night.

Of course, there is plenty of humor to be shared. I guess what happens at Ohm10 stays at Ohm10! 😀

New Orleans is a fabulous place to visit, the food and culture is unlike anywhere else in the world. I’m a huge art fan and loved peeking into some of the galleries in the French Quarter.

And of course, New Orleans is well known for their Voodoo and witchery. I had some fun checking out the voodoo shops.

Some souvenirs and gifts I picked up on my trip. Zapps VooDoo Chips are the best!

On Sunday, Ohm planned one amazing adventure after another. A boat trip around the bayou where we witness beautiful nature all around us.

We even held a baby alligator. Below is the beautiful Karla blowing kisses and the fabulous Kit posing for us to take photos of them with this cute baby. Don’t worry this baby isn’t wild. But there were plenty of wildlife around from beautiful birds, raccoons along the shore and alligators swimming in the bayou.

Sunday evening, we were given a tour of where the Mardi Gras magic happens at Mardi Gras World. Below you will find beautiful float art that is created each year for the Mardi Gras floats you will find in the streets during carnival parades.

In this building at Mardi Gras World you step inside and it’s if you were outside at night with a beautifully created skyline, a house and garden patio. We ate under the stars a delicious buffet and inside we created our very own Mardi Gras Mask.

Here is the mask I created. Not the best, but I had fun!

How amazing is this Mask Jenny @ Ohm created? I LOVE it! Maybe we need different carnival masked beads?

Not only did I take home wonderful gifts from friends, fantastic swag from the Ohm Team, I took home wonderful memories that I will cherish always. This event was not like any other bead event out there, it was a celebration and time spent with friends.

Ohmily ❤

There was so much packed into this amazing weekend that I missed taking photos of friends and some of the activities, but I will say if Ohm host a celebration like this in the future, GO, you won’t regret it.

And for now, I’ll end this article with a message for Ohm..

Happy 11th Birthday!

Thank you for wonderful memories and for the art you bring into our lives.




7 responses to “Happy 11th Birthday Ohm Beads! A Look back at Ohm10 in 2018.

    • Totally agree! It was given to those who attended the event and the few that were left over were offered for sale online during the event, they sold out pretty fast. It’s one of my favorites! Love Gus Fink beads.


    • I miss you, Martha! I agree it was such a fun weekend and I hope we can all get together again in the future. Too bad I didn’t get any photos of you and I doing our workshops. I missed photos of a few others as well.


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